Wednesday, April 13, 2005

All about the Esthers

This weekend I have a date with, uh, Esther. It's my first J-date.

Now before you get too critical, I have already been accused of exploiting my tenuous Jewishness for romantic gain.

It is true that I'm a secular Jew at best. I more or less moved on from the religious part when I was a teenager. But I prefer to think of the last half of my life as a kind of rumspringa. Now that I'm older, and more mature, it seems only appropriate to revisit Judiasm. Even if this takes the form of an online dating site for us chosen people.


Blogger Norman Rose said...

hey... but was she hot? then it's not exploitive, it's... i don't know, like a good idea and stuff.

Thu Apr 21, 12:08:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Wed Jan 06, 08:08:00 PM CST  

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