Friday, April 22, 2005

Esther's Cat

This girl I just met has a cat who's ugly and lovable. There was a while when we were sitting together where she stroked the cat's back, and talked to him. I was jealous of that cat.

Questions that come to mind during the quiet parts of first meeting someone:
1. Should we get to know each other well will she still be so quiet?
2. How long is she going to have these cats?
3. How long will it be before she notices I'm awkward?
4. Could I get used to this?
5. What does she think?
6. What would it be like to get in her pants?


Blogger Kieran Snyder said...

Oh, you. Question (3) is the lynchpin of 'em all.

On a scale of 1 to awkward, you're like a turquoise blue.

Sat Apr 23, 01:50:00 AM CDT  
Blogger alex eben meyer said...

you're talking about esther, and not the cat. right? i assume so, cause otherwise, that might be strange, and not just awkward.

Mon Apr 25, 05:06:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this list is extremely *cute*. Yeah, I said it. It's funny the things that go through your mind when you're first hanging out with someone.

I won't ask if you got into her pants or not. Haha.

Sat Jul 02, 02:15:00 PM CDT  

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