Monday, May 02, 2005

News for Numismatists

Recently the snootiest bar in town began giving Kennedy half-dollars in change when paying for drinks. Now, this was clearly intentional. I checked by subsequently ordering drinks that cost $X.50. Their business manager had to have made a decision to order half-dollars instead of just quarters at their bank. As if they thought the half-dollars would make them just a little more sophisticated than they were before. AND IT WORKS. For me at least. I felt like I was in a casino. I tipped the (pretty) bartender an extra fifty cent piece and kept a couple just to put into circulation later.

Mike Castle and those other ninnys in Congress should keep this in mind when they think about making another forty-odd versions of the dollar coin. We don't need another form of commemorative stamping. This fosters collecting but not use. If you really want to replace the dollar we need coins with a) utility or b) cache.


Blogger Jenny said...

Next thing you're going to suggest is that Aroma use "chocolate money" in exchange for real dollars I bet.

Wed May 04, 08:57:00 PM CDT  

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