Sunday, May 29, 2005

Damn Good Fruit

Here's my latest good idea: breeding/engineering fruit to be naturally salty! Because nothing tastes better than sweet and salty combined.

Think about how good it would taste to bite into a sweet, juicy orange and get a taste of salt as well. It'd only make you want to eat more.

I'm going to make a mint. We're calling the venture Damn Good Fruit, as in "Damn Good Fruit: sweet naturally, and naturally salty" or "Damn Good Fruit: it's about you." There could be Damn Good Apples, Damn Good Melons, Damn Good Plums... I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

Seriously, why hasn't anyone thought of this before? It can't be that hard to make fruit salty. We make fruit lots of stuff already.


Blogger Jenny said...

I like the "Its about you" slogan. It makes no fucking sense, but hey, I bet it will sell a lot of salty oranges. By the way, have you ever had "Saladitos"? They are salted plums and are sold in many Mexican grocery stores, at least on the West Coast. So what I'm getting at is a) you might already have a market for other salted fruits with the Mexican community and b) start with something different than salted plums because that is old hat to a lotta peeps. How do you feel about sweetened vegetables too? How about "Sweet pea: More than just a baby" or "Sweet spinach: Taking a crush on Popeye one step further"?

Mon May 30, 11:37:00 PM CDT  

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